If Los Angeles band
the Icarus Line ever has its own "Behind the Music," you bet your sweet ass I'm going to be one of those talking heads who tells you what the members were like "back in the day." You see, I've known the Icarus Line before they existed, when they were a ska-punk band, then a punk-punk band called the Kanker Sores. We hung out constantly and had lots of fun together.
The band has been through a bunch of lineups and such is life, the more people come and go in the group, the less I know them. But main man Joe Cardamone and Alvin "Asian Orange" DeGuzman are still holding it down, so when the five-piece played a few blocks away from my apartment, I had to go.
That's not to say I didn't want to because I really did. Regardless of the lineup and the set list, the Icarus Line have never failed to disappoint. They're a great band, one that I would like even if I didn't know them. Having them as friends is icing on the cake. Or maybe the fact that we are friends AND I like their music is the icing on the cake. Yeah, I think that sounds better.
Anyway, it's always a pleasure to get the band some ink, which is what I did (technically it was a blog post so there was no ink involved) a while back when I reviewed their show at
Alex's Bar in Long Beach for the
LA Weekly.
Snoop Clicky Click
here to read all that noise.
Photo taken by me. Aren't I awesome?